Let Loose in Sierra Leone

Posted On October 19, 2010 

When you work with locals through something called tribewanted, this just happens to be one of those organizations which are non profitable and they help out?  This is the first one that was set up in Fiji. This was actually set up to build a resort right from scratch.

The tribewanted’s founders name is Ben Keene. He had come here and started in Vorovoro Island in Fiji in the year two thousand and six.  The later after about three years, you start to look more seriously at where exactly you want your next tribe to be. Sierra Leone was the first one to grab any kind of attention. There is a plan to build an eco active village at the beach at john obeys.  Over here, tourists could live for a minimum of one week and it would be able to sustain a good amount of development in your community. All these things are what would then change the perception of the entire country. While all this is happening you could still start to inspire the members and people who actually bother following the story. This makes for a more sustainable living condition.

Sierra Leone

Salone is another local name for Sierra Leone; Karan Castelino says that the city has large chaotic roads, noise and impossible traffic. The whole deal here is so intense that you could wander off into one of the busiest markets in the world here and not feel like you are lost.

The peninsula would most probably remind you, as it resembles something out of Tobago or Zanzibar. Albeit without too many hotels.

The best part about this place is the idea of getting things done, well that never happens. You have to actually prepare yourself mentally in the head. Now you wouldn’t be able to be ready for the depth of bureaucracy. In fact when you try to get an entire container of materials for what looks like a community construction, all this would eventually come at a high price. There are equipments like cooking equipments and solar panels. The equipment is brought out onto the port. Some of the authorities here would let you down. And when you think about the promises of actually investing in the development of what looks like something sustainable.

You also get first aid training and you learn of things to do in case an emergency were to occur. By the time you are done with one week of this stuff you would know that you are most probably even part of a community that has established good facilities for itself. Including recycling, beech kitchens and bucket showers.

Sierra Leone beach

Check back Visiting Sierra Leone more of what happens in the lovely and exotic Sierra Leone tourism.

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